
Student Resources offered for Mizzou Law students in Hulston Hall

Wellness Room

Located in Room 104A, the Wellness room is a wonderful space for students to relax with comfy couches, cozy blankets, and a massage chair. Throughout the school year, counselors from Missouri Lawyers’ Assistance Program (MOLAP) offer free counseling services to Mizzou Law students in the Wellness Room.

a photo of the wellness room coffee table and chair a photo of an end table in the wellness room a photo of the couch in the wellness room

Lawyer's Wardrobe

Located in room 14, the Lawyer’s Wardrobe provides free professional clothing to students at Mizzou Law. The Lawyer’s Wardrobe features personal care supplies, two light up mirrors, and everything a law student needs to prepare for an interview!

a photo of a vanity a photo of a closet full of professional dress clothes a photo of nice finishes in the closet area